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What comes together is a really nice collage of ideas, influences and styles, using humour and emotion to to bring together very disparate hand-drawn animated styles into a singular vision, shaped by the people of Norwich and beyond.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Call to Climate Action
This emotive animation was commissioned by three PhD students studying at MIT and the University of Oxford and funded by the charity Beyond Conflict.
We explore the highs and lows of Annie's struggle with climate change. Ultimately, this animation is a call to action for the public to get in touch with their local parliament and make a change.
To focus on the narrative and message of the story we used a simple colour palette, with an increasing use of red to signify the rising climate. Glimpses of green towards the end means there's still hope! This project was a combination of vector based animation as well as frame by frame animation where certain fluidity was needed - we really enjoyed creating this hybrid of animation.
It didn't take long for us to find the sweet spot in terms of design - but the storyboarding and script stage was a whole different story! Lots of careful crafting took place to create the perfect narrative that would hopefully make the public want to take action.